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 (Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title)
Pot spune ca sunt un cinefil.Unul dintre filmele pe care le-am vazut de o gramada de ori este "Home Alone" si pot spune ca este unul dintre preferatele mele.De pe la 6 ani tot il  urmaresc cu mare drag.Prima data l-am vazut pe caseta video chiar intr-o iarna la tara intr-un cadru super..zapada,soba,lemne trosnind,atmosfera..a fost chiar nice.Aseara a fost pe ProTv.Ma,chiar si daca nu ai vazut filmul cred ca banuiesti despre ce e vorba.O persoana a fost foarte comica :

X-Rares vezi ca e deseara Home Alone pe ProTv.
Rares-A ? zau ? care parte ?
X-Nu stiu vere....aia in care ramane singur acasa.
Rares-No shiiiittt .!?!

Translation in English

I can say I'm a cinephile.One of the movies I've seen a lot of times is "Home Alone".Since I was six,I watch the movie with great love every time.I could say that is one of my favpurites.First time I saw the movie on videotape in a great winter at my grandparents village. . snow, stove, wood creaking, the atmosphere was really nic.Yesterday evening,'Home Alone' was on a Romanian television (ProTv). Even if you have not seen the movie I supose that you suspect what's the story..what it is about.A friend was really funny :

My friend- Rares,it's tonight 'Home Alone' on ProTv
Rares- Really ? Which part ?
My friend- Hmm...that one when he remains alone.. :-?
Rares- LoL  .No shit ? ! =))

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