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Weekend of November

(Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title)
A trecut deja o saptamana din noiembrie-stiti voi,luna aceea a anului ce face legatura dintre toamna si iarna,luna cu temperaturi ce iti aduc aminte ca iarna " e pe vine",cu ploi ce asteapta doar un "semnal" pentru a se transforma in lapovita-.Si parca nu a fost asa pana acum.Am fost uimit de ce vreme frumoasa a fost in timpul saptamanii si de asemenea,m-au mirat preconizarile meteorologilor pentru weekendul ce aproape a trecut.Mi-am facut rapid calculele si am hotarat sa profit de vereme si am dat o tura la tara.

Sambata a inceput pentru mine la ora 11.30 dimineata.Ce greseala pe capul meu sa uit sa activez alarma la telefon.Nu de alta dar la 12.00 aveam meci la handbal.Noroc ca m-a sunat mama.Mi-a spus ca plecarea la tara este la 12.30.Deci peste exact o ora.Mi-am facut bagajul repede,mi-am spalat 2 mere si am iesit pe usa cu echipamentul in rucsul pus pe umarul drept.Am incercat sa profit un pic de avantajul ca sunt inalt si
am "compasu' " mare asa ca am incercat sa fac pasii cat mai mari si mai rapizi.Ideea e ca am ajuns la timp la sala.Am avut exact 30 de minute ramase pentru a juca,eu nestiind faptul daca voi fi sau nu titular.Am fost privilegiat de antrenor.Mi-am luat in "brate" postul de extrema stanga(ah..nu ma mai pune o data pe inter.astept,astept.).In fine..am urcat in masina si am pornit radioul pe unul dintre singurele posturi decente ce le mai pot asculta-Europa Fm.

Cum ar spune Nea' Marin : Ma suii,plecai,ajunsai. (simt nevoia sa mai scriu un pic :]] ).Nu a trecut mult pana sa ma cuprinda o ura pe mine. "Cuuum fratee sa uit aparatul photo ?? " Da..uitasem aparatu.Deja mi se taiase macaroana.Imi imaginasem atatea locuri ce pot fi fotografiate.M-am consolat cu faptul ca in apropiere de Craciun,cand vom taia probabil pe 'OBAMA' =))..-NU radeti,asa il cheama pe porc :))) pentru ca e de culoare mai inchisa- nu il voi mai uita.

Frate...vremea de sambata a fost..pfuu..Nu credeam ca in luna noiembrie pot sa stau in maieu.Mi-am luat un scaunel si am avut ce face o buna bucata de timp-sa stau si sa imi fac impresia ca ma bronzes la soare de noiembrie.

Bunica ne-a aratat casa nou renovata.Ma bucuram ca se bucura :)) de casa.A ramas ca a 2-a zi sa punem un tablou,o chestie,o maslina...stiti voi,retusuri.
Am pus repde de-un gratar..Ziua a fost mult mai lunga.As avea de povestit o groaza....o sa mai scurtez un pic.Nu puteam sa nu strig peste gard la un prieten vechi.Am stat si cu el o bucata buna de vreme.

Seara..old style.Foc..soba.

Astazi,dupa cum spuneam sus,am retusat ici,colo.Am pus un tablou,o sculptura.A..da,nu v-am spus.Imi plac tablourile,arta.Cand o sa fiu eu un om important :)) si preconizez ca nu o sa mai dureze mult timp,cred ca o sa investesc ceva in arta...Am facut o plimbare la un prieten ce avea internet.Bine....vizita nu avea scopul asta pentru ca imi propusesem s-o las balta de conexiune la net in weekend dar nu am putut sa nu arunc un ochi pe blog si pe mail.

Am luat-o la talpa in camasa mea rosie si in blugi negri pe strada mare a satului sperand ca ma voi mai intalni cu cienva cunoscut.Adevarul e ca era lumea pe la porti,pe la banca-doar era cald si bine..unii mai greblau frunzele cazute ca mai apoi sa le dea foc;altii deja facusera asta dovada fiind camasa mea un pic afumata. -Am intrat in vorba-cum imi place-cu diverse 'personaje' ale satului.In timp ce vedeam cum limbile ceasului se apropiau vertiginos de ora 1.00,ora la care Apropo-ul de duminica este un "must see" pentru mine,am inceput sa ma indrept spre casa.Cand am ajuns,bunica mi-a aminitit ca nu am cumparat paine,asa cum promisesem.Era ora 1.05.Apropo Tv incepea in 5 minute.Nu puteam sa refuz in a ma duce la magazin.Trebuia sa-mi tin promisiunea si in plus mai era un prilej de plimbare.

(mama ..deja ma uit la cat ma scris si imi dau seama ca trebuie sa traduc in engleza...ma uit si la ceas si imi dau seama ca maine la ora 6.30 dimineta,alarma,inevitabil va suna si imi va reaminti faptul ca mai am exact 30 min pana sa inceapa antrenamentul...Asa ca o sa scurtez).

Dupa ce am mancat,am si plecat.Am raspun pozitiv la intrebarea bunicii (buna) "V-ati luat tot? Sa nu uitati ceva".Am salutat-o pe Carlita(catelusa noastra.Una dintre ele :))..mai e si Peghi).Am pornit si uite-ma acum ca scriu din Craiova.

Pentru ca am spus ca mi-am uitat aparatul,adaug cateva poze facute cu telefonul de prietenul David.

Translation in English

Has already passe a week of November-you know...that month that link between autum and winter,the month with temperatures which rimind you that the winter is comming,with rains which are waiting just a "sign" to turn in sleet or snow. And it's seems not so far been.I was amazed by the beautiful weather during this week and also by the recommendations of the meteorologists about this week which is almost past.
I quickly decidet to take advantage of this beautiful weather and go to my grandmother,at village.

Sturday began for me at 11.30 AM.What mistake on my head-forget to activate tha alarm.At 12.00 I had a handball match.Luckily,my mother called me.She said that the leaving to the village is at 12.30.I had exactly one hour left.I made my luggage quickly.I washed 2 apples and I walked out the door with the equipment in my backpack.I tried to profit a little bit from my advantage that I am tall and I started to make big strides as fast as I could.I arrived on time at gym-at 12.00.I had exactly 30 minutes to play.I was prigileged by the coach because I did not stay on the bench and I was titular.I took the extrem position(I wait inter position.).Finnaly I got in the car and I turned on the radio on one of the only decent radio stations that you can listen to-Europa Fm.

Like Nea' Marin says : I got,abroad,arrived.(need to write a bit more details).It was not long time until I felt angry-I forgot my camera at home.I already do not feel soo good.I was angry.I love to take pictures.I was consoled by the fact that when Christmas is approaching,we will probably kill Obama-The name of our pig :))).(I think I wrote well.).His name is Obama because it's a little bit grimy.:))))) , I will not forget my camera.:D

Dude....Saturday's weather was...pff..great.!!.I did not think that I can stay in November in T-shirt.I took a stool and I had waht to do-to sit and think that the sun of November can really bronze me.

Grandma showe us the nwely renovated house.We talked that the next day we have to put some pictures on the walls,things.u know...touches.We did a quick grill/barbecue..The day was long..

In the evening,u konw,like old style-Fire in the stove :D.

Today,as I said above,we mad some touches.We put a painting...a sclupture.Oh.yes.I din't tell you that i love paintings,art.When I'll be an important / great man-and that will be soon :)) , I will buy a lot of paintings.I will invest in art.I took a ride to a friend who had internet.I didn't went to him because he had internet but I didn't resisit to don't take a look on the blog and on the mails.

I strdet walking in my red shirt and black jeans on the street in the village hopping to meet someone I know.The truth is that the people were out,at the gates,on the benche,was warm and well ;some people were raking up fallen lives and later set fire to them;others have already fired the lives,the proof being my smoked shirt.I started to talk with village people-I like to talk with people- .While I could see my watch 1.10 PM rapidly approaching,the time when it's broadcast on TV my favourite Tv show (I think I wrote well) called Apropo Tv,I sarted heading home.When I arrived,buna(my grandmother) remind me that I didn't buy bread like I promised.Was 1.05.Apropo Tv was started in 5 minutes.I could not refuse grandma.I had to keep my promise,and in addition there was an oportunity to take a walk..again.

(God :))..I'm watching waht I wrote and I realize that I have to translate into English the entire article.I;m wathcing the clock too and I realize that tomorrow morning,at 6.30 AM,the alarm will "trrrr" inevitable and will remind me that I'll have exactly 30 minutes before the handball training starts.)

After we ate,we left too.I replied positive to my grandma question :Did u forget something ? Take a look again. ! I said "be bye" to Carlita -my dog..one of 2.The second is-Peghi.-

Because I said I forgot my camera,I put some pictures taken by my friend,David with his mobile.

All the best.!

Ma inclin.Voie buna.!

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